SPECIAL OFFER: Boxed Bundle w/ Puzzle, T-Shirt and Coaster


For WINTER 2022 we are offering a specially priced boxed set that includes ONE limited edition puzzle, ONE limited edition t-shirt and ONE limited edition cardboard beverage coaster. The shirts are a traditional fit. Sizes are MEDIUM, LARGE and X-LARGE. The website will update availability as the shirt sizes and puzzles sell-out. Indicate your preference for Puzzle No.1, No.2 or No.3 along with your shirt size when ordering.

Once your order is in we will include ONE of the two coaster designs with the shipment. The coasters are also limited editions. This boxed bundle makes a great gift for 2022 and compliments the deluxe history book - Landfall Press: Five Decades. Order the book too as quantities are limited.

In Summer 2022 we launch the traveling exhibition Landfall Press: Five Decades, a follow-up to the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Landfall Press Five Decades of Printmaking. Keep up with our Instagram posts for details and dates on the hosting venues.

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